Motorcycle Helmets: Full face, modular, open face? What does it all mean?

Motorcycle Helmets: Full face, modular, open face? What does it all mean?

We offer several options for styles and brands of motorcycle helmet. 

One of the most popular styles we offer is the modular, or flip up style, where the chin bar operates on a mechanism to flip up and out of the way. Some modular motorcycle helmets even have a chin bar that can slide all the way around to the back of the helmet, so it can be worn as an open face helmet as well.

Modular motorcycle helmets are popular with touring riders, as the flip-up feature allows for easy fueling; both for motorcycle and rider! Many modular helmets, such as the Shoei Neotec II, also offer a drop down sun shade for bright days. While popular with many advantages, modular motorcycle helmets have a couple of tradeoffs due to the flip up chin bar. Modular motorcycle helmets are often noticeably heavier than full or open face counterparts, and some don’t offer as much face protection in the event of a crash. That said, modular helmets remain our most popular style of motorcycle helmet at BMW Motorcycles of Grand Rapids, and models such as the Shoei Neotec II and the HJC i90 are popular with both staff and customers.

Full face motorcycle helmets are another great option for many riders. Full face motorcycle helmets have a movable visor, but the chin bar is fixed in place. Some have a drop down sun shade for sunny riding days, and most offer different visors that riders can swap out based on riding conditions and style.

Full face helmets are popular with nearly all styles of motorcyclist, as they offer the greatest safety and often the most noise reduction. They are especially prevalent for track and sport riders, and enduro style full face helmets can frequently be seen on adventure riders. Full face motorcycle helmets offer the most protection in the event of an accident, and frequently the most noise reduction. Disadvantages are few with a full face motorcycle helmet, but some riders find that removal is inconvenient for frequent stops, and full face helmets can be claustrophobic for some riders. Favorite full face models include the Arai Signet-X, Klim Krios Pro, and Shoei RF-1400. 

Open face, or three quarter, motorcycle helmets are also popular with touring riders. They offer the most air flow for hot weather riding, but less wind noise reduction and less protection in the event of an accident. Some, like the Shoei J-Cruise II offer drop down sun shades, and others like the Arai Classic V offer retro styling for a classic look. Open face helmets are preferred by many riders, however full face and modular helmets have proven to be more popular. 

Which helmet is right for you? While we are a wealth of information, that is for each individual rider to decide. We have many offerings online, and even more available to try on in our store at 5995 S Division Avenue in Grand Rapids, Michigan.